Wondering whether to enter college for a biology bachelor of science degree? You’re not the only one. Thousands of people graduate each year and then question what to do next. So, here’s what you need to know to make the most of your motivation.
What is a Biology Bachelor of Science?
Bioscience is the study of living organisms. It also focuses on life cycles and the environment because our world works as a system. Therefore, a biology bachelor of science degree covers everything alive today.
To earn a B.S. in Biology, students enter college for topic-based research. Tests, exams, presentations, and lab work are also mandatory. That’s why getting into the best schools is so important. After all, the quality of your education will determine your career opportunities.
How do I get into college for a B.S. in biology?
You can apply to as many schools as you want, but that doesn’t mean you’ll always get in. To begin studying for a bachelor of science in biology, you must hold an associate’s degree in simple biology. Then, enroll in specific bachelor-level classes. Only those who successfully pass each class earn a degree, so listen up.
The biology degree you earn depends on several things. To find your place, start by taking intro classes, and then enroll in higher-level programs for a sharper focus. If all else fails, talk to your admissions counselor for more information.
TIP: Find out what’s required in each professional position you’re considering. That means studying the job descriptions for details.
What will I learn in school?
Keep in mind that all biology bachelor’s programs include key courses. So regardless of your goals, you’ll be studying the following subjects before earning your degree:
- Molecular biology
- Genetics
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Population biology
- Ecology
Depending on what you’ve got planned, the degree might also require you to study these subjects too:
- Vertebrates and Invertebrates
- Immunology
- Anatomy
- Evolution
- Organic chemistry
Your intake paperwork should list the exact requirements. If not, an admissions counselor will provide that info before enrollment. Remember, two students with a biology major may still end up taking different science classes. Also, students might be required to take biology science courses as part of another major. Did someone say, “mingle?”
Common jobs for biology bachelor of science grads
So, what can you do with a biology bachelor of science degree after graduation? We’re glad you asked, and so are the thousands of employers who are currently hiring recent grads. In fact, experts think the bioscience market will grow by at least 4% in the next few years. Let’s hope they’re right.
In the meantime, let’s look at all the exciting job opportunities out there. These are just the top 10 to get us started:
- Botanist
- Microbiologist
- Biochemist
- Ecologist
- Evolutionary Biologist
- Geneticist
- Paleontologist
- Epidemiologist
- Immunologist
- Zoologist
Keep in mind that the salaries for each of those careers depend on the education and skills required to do the job.
The takeaway
Is earning a biology bachelor of science degree worth your time? You bet it is. Grads can make up to $120,000 a year, in fact. That means it’s time to enroll in college while the market is hot.